Wells Fargo

A user-centered approach to online retirement management.

In 2010, I concepted and designed the experience that landed the Wells Fargo Retirement account. As ideas evolved, our team reimagined the online account center, including a dashboard with new features for better account management. The features included: A setup wizard tailored for both beginner and advanced 401(k) participants (2 different experiences), ePreferences, Personal Rate of Return, Account History, Balance by Investments, Withdrawals, and Fund Transfers (transferring of multiple funds). Every user flow was designed, prototyped, tested, and iterated upon. In 2013, our team worked closely with IBM to provide a responsive mobile solution.

352, Agency

Adam Davis, UX Designer
Tim Pratt, UX Designer
Michelle Brownstein, UX Designer
Krissy Scoufis, UX Strategist

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